Friday, October 25, 2013

Inexplicable, Undefinable, Indescribable

I have been in love a number of times before, many horrible times. Yet I never really stopped even though I get really hurt after every single shot I made. Every time I fall and break into millions of tiny fragments, I get back up as fast as I can, stronger. I don't know why I keep falling but I can't blame myself, no one's to blame when one falls in love, it's unavoidable. Sometimes, I think to myself, maybe God made me meet so many wrong people so that when I find the right one, I'll be thankful; and so I was. When in love, I always feel pumped up, more alive than ever, my actions are exaggerated, and my whole world lightens up. Music fills up the background and it feels like I can do anything. Happiness will be in the air every morning when I wake up for school, for I know that she'll be there. I became much more careful on my actions for one wrong move can make her upset. Also, I've never been so careful about my life and on my body's condition so I can be there for her whenever she needs something. Never have I been more enthusiastic on my academics because I'm doing it all for her, for our future. Despite how long we've been interacting, it has always been awkward for us two, it takes all my courage to greet her and I'm so grateful for who I became when she came to my life.

How do you define love? It's not that easy to define love once you are in love. But the first thing that came to my mind is that love is about giving everything for the one you love. It's about doing everything you can and becoming a better person for her sake. It's about throwing away your pride for her, respecting her, sacrificing even the most valuable of things because she is a person worth fighting and dying for. And when she appreciates your efforts, you'll become the happiest man in the world. When she gives back even the smallest of love, you'll be out of words to even express how happy you are.

Why do I love? The only reason I can give is that I want to share my life with someone. The truth is, I never had a reason for living until she came to my life. Now, I'm living for her, to protect and nurture the life I love.

What do I look for her? I look for the spark. The spark is what I named for the feeling I have when I'm with someone. I named it "spark" because it's the closest image that can describe that feeling. I feel most joyful when she's near. I love her regardless of her looks; I love her for who she is, no matter how many changes time can bring to her, I will and always love her. One straight thing that I want from her is her appreciation, that's all I know.

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