Saturday, June 8, 2013

Light in the Darkness

A hero is depicted by many as a being who comes to save the day in the nick of time, a knight in shining armor, or a martyr who just sacrificed his life for a cause. Heroes come in many forms, your parents are heroes, your teacher's a hero, your doctor's a hero, even you are a hero (for your classmate whom you lent your homework to), anybody can be a hero, literally anybody. Of all the heroes of our life, there is one who outshines them all. My hero came in a very indirect manner as I am the one responsible for having brought this person to my life. That one move was one of the best decisions I've made in my life... because that person is Son Goku, a character from my favorite television program. This may sound absurd, ridiculous, and ultimately stupid, but for a person who believed that you're all alone in this world for his entire life, this is reasonable.

Back then, I never really cared about anything, I never worried, I went with the flow, I lived according to my emotions, I was a really happy man... was I? No, fear controlled my actions back then, I didn't have any reason to live back then, I only lived to survive. It all changed when this very special woman came to my life, the one who taught me what true love means. I had a dream, to be with her, to become part of her life. That dream gave me a reason to change, change into a person she'll like. I did everything, no, more than everything, I thought I was doing everything right, but all good things come to an end, she turned me down for another, countless horrific events followed, I didn't give up, there were so many complications, but in the end I was crushed, why was life this cruel? After that, I was left with nothing, the world was covered by darkness, colors faded, I had no one, I was lost. I was mentally ill, depressed, I was in my most gullible, fragile state, my guard is down to anything that may come to me. I was surfing the web as always when I came across this picture, I was filled up with nostalgia seeing the people who made my childhood. I ended up re-watching the series again, hoping that it will somehow make my day brighter. With my state of mind, I saw it significantly different from when I was a child, my eyes were hooked-up on the characters' actions and emotions instead of all the explosions and fighting. This is where Goku goes into the picture. He is currently their universe's savior, what made me so interested about him is how he thinks: Faced an evil space tyrant who far outclasses him, "The challenge excites me", Had the opportunity to kill someone who terrorized the planet and killed his friends, "Forgive him, everyone deserves a second chance", Crushed by 100 times gravity, "I can work through this!", Died, "Well, back to training in the Otherworld"... His positive attitude continued in the series, no matter how dark it got, he never failed to see the light. This attitude somehow made an impact to me, with the help of him, I found true happiness. My surroundings changed, colors started to brighten up, bright thoughts shined over the darkness, I began thanking all that life has given. A month later, I found out that the woman's relationship with the other guy was mended, fixed, their commitment intensified, all because of me. If not for me, the two shouldn't have been together as of today, but now, they're happy as can be. Joy and happiness filled my eyes. Back at my life, my dream also (technically) came true, I left a mark on her heart, I've been with her, I became part of her life, not only her life but also the other man's life, I made a heartfelt friendship with that guy, I made a new friend! Happy endings does exist, you only have to see it.

Seasons have passed and I continued living a better life in the model of Goku, my knowledge of life expanded, I no longer lived only to survive, I now live to find my purpose in this world, on a quest to find answers leading to more questions, a life full of adventures. I've learned so much from a person I've never met, a person who never physically existed.

You did more than save my life, you gave me a new one. All I am now, or ever can be, I owe it all to you, Goku.

"I am the hope of the universe. I am the answer to all living things that cry out for peace. I am protector of the innocent. I am the light in the darkness. I am truth." ~Son Goku

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