Saturday, August 31, 2013

All the Little People

Oh great Creator, master of space and time
The only being capable of such power
Thy Lord, I call upon You with this simple rhyme
Ruler of worlds, hear me, our almighty Master

We humans are weak, and we humans are sorry
For what we've brought unto this world You've given us
We humans now understand, we humans now see
So we beg you forgiveness, please stop this chaos

We've endured much pain, we already know our place
Give our people willpower and strength to survive
I no more want to see frowns on anyone's face
Give the worthy men what they need to stay alive

And for the ones who left us, bring peace to their souls
Allow them to enter heaven, Your sanctuary
The ones who lost many, let their tears no more fall
The ones unaffected, keep them safe and merry

I also thank You for the luck you've given me
For having my family safe, no damage dealt
For leaving me unharmed, for keeping me wary
That is all, keep us safe, let the sky no more pelt

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