Sunday, September 1, 2013


(Smart or Sporty: Compare, Contrast, Choose)

Brain and muscle are two of the things on top of mankind's dream-list. Here we'll list down the flaws and advantages of being "sporty but not smart" and being "smart but not sporty" and then proceed with the comparison between the two. In the end of the essay, I'll mention what characteristic I want to have.

Academic and physical skills are both extremely important when it comes to living, you'll need it. Both have different levels of importance depending on the road you take. Have little of any of the two, people will begin to treat you like dirt, a nobody. Have excessive amounts of it though, they'll treat you like a god. You will have more admirers, you'll earn more respect, more power. On the downside, they're like addictive drugs. When you experience being praised because of your power or when you experience the power itself, you'll absolutely drool for more. I call this effect "power-lust", it's really helpful in reaching your goals yet it puts too much strain on the physical body.

Acing academics is really helpful in school, but the knowing the you're physically weak will piss you off. You can't clearly see the benefits of being good at sports at first, until you get really good at one. Being good at any can help you get scholarships in top-ranked colleges and invitations to world-class sports teams. Whatever's your choice, you'll still end up earning money. Smart people will have the upper hand on their job, it's more stable, you'll only need your brain and mouth. Sport-inclined jobs can be really unstable, accidents can happen, you'll be useless when you get injured (unless science will find a way for instant body recuperation). On usefulness, the smart stomps on the sporty in general. Intelligence can solve crises nationwide, create weaponry, medicine, and save billions of lives. You'll never see physical power saving billions of lives, unless you're an overpowered Dragon Ball Z character who'll save not only the earth but also entire universes from evil, which is very unlikely to happen. Also, sporty people will always have the upper hand when it comes to sexual appeal.

Now if I were given a chance to be reborn to choose to either be inclined at academics but not at sports or vice-versa, I'd choose the latter without any second thoughts. Personally, I've been wanting to be a Super Saiyan my entire life, or at least something close to one. I've dreamed to be that shining guy who slow-walk's out of the mist stunning the crowd with his overall awesomeness. All my life I wanted to have such power. Excelling at academics is also a great offer but I'd trade school for a martial arts teacher any day.

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