Sunday, January 26, 2014

They Raised Me Well

Dear God

God, I want to thank you for all the blessings you've given me in my life. If you're also the one in charge of these instances in my life, thank you for that too. But one more thing I want to thank you for, is for my parents. No wait. It's them I want to thank. Let this letter be a thank you card for them, not directly a letter for You. God, help me. At least let this letter be a way to tell my parents how thankful I am to them, let me tell it through you. Thanks.

First, I want to thank them for giving birth to me. Oh, a portion of the world would've been a whole lot different without me, I've changed many people's lives, that's for sure. I know I've brought goodness into this world, even only a little. And I know that I'll be doing great things. I know.

Second, for giving me the environment that has honed my skills. No really, I am above average. That's why want to thank them for all the color pencils, the drawing notebooks, the encyclopedias, the cable television, the harsh way of teaching me when I was young, and for the indirect ways that motivated me into making myself stronger both physically and mentally.

Third and last, because I'm running out out things to say, thanks for the fun. ☺ My childhood wouldn't have been the same without you. Seriously, I wound't be this fun of a man without your help. Thanks for all the toys, the Beyblade, B-Daman, Crushgear, Yu-Gi-Oh! cards, Pokémon, and much more! Not every kid had a life like this. And I know that I was the luckiest.

I will repay them someday. Just not now. I'll enjoy my life for now.
Just let them know that I love them.

-Khyleri B. Gancayco

My Tears Can't Reach Her No Longer

Blog 4.1

I once had a cat, she was my best friend at home. Her name's Potchi. She was gray and brown with black stripes. She had serious Egyptian eyes that had a light shade of brown. She was about a year old but we only shared a few months together. She wasn't the cutest cat, she wasn't the smartest either. I loved Potchi.

One day, I left her outside after our snack, we had Pringles, delicious cheese-flavored Pringles. I was in my room with my eyes glued to my laptop's screen. The others outside were setting-up tables for the town fiesta. I heard my cat meowing outside, but I was busy. The meows turned to gargles, I thought  she was playing outside, maybe she was chasing a mouse, there was a lot of noise outside, but I was still too glued to the internet. The noise and gargles subsided.

My mom entered my room with a sorry smile on her face. She told me "condolence," she mentioned something about my cat and left my room. I am familiar with the word condolence, but I don't know what it means. I looked it up on Google and I was devastated. I ran outside and asked the people what happened. My heart broke into dust the instant I heard that my cat was strangled... she was hanged. Staying strong, I held my tears back and forced myself to make a grin. The pain in my chest was unbearable once I saw her body. Still, I stayed strong, I don't want anyone to see me cry. I was digging a grave for my friend but at the middle of making a hole, I wasn't able to suppress it anymore. Tears ran down my face. I cried while plowing the metal stick into the ground. She wasn't just a cat, she was my best friend, she was very special. And I can't see her anymore. I can't pet her, I can't feed her, I can't do anything. Seriously, why is the world so unfair? I wept nonstop. And I don't care if tons of people outside stare at me, I don't care if my hands are bleeding from digging too hard. I'm crying for my friend, I don't have any reason not to cry.

There I was, helpless, as I hugged Potchi's lifeless body. Helpless. I gave my friend a proper burial and prayed hoping that heaven has a nice place for Potchi. I'm gonna miss that cat. I wish she'll still remember me decades from now.

I now have a new cat, her name's Pringles. Now I'll look-over her more than I've ever taken care for Potchi. I don't want to lose anyone ever again.

Sunday, January 5, 2014

hat er es getan?

Hitler, everybody knows the name. Adolf Hitler was and still is one of the most popular men on the planet. Sad for him, he ruined his own reputation. He was a really great leader indeed. He was a great speaker too. He's one of the most influential man on earth. For Germany, he was a hero, he cared much for his people. He was a man of God. A genius, an artist, and probably the most passionate dreamer to have ever existed. We all have been taught that he was a bad bad man. But was he really bad or did some people who hated him so much spread mere rumors on his evil doings?
I here, want to know the truth, and talk to Hitler about this. Did he really do all those bad stuff like The Holocaust? Was he the one who did it? And if so, why he did it. I wanna know his true plans and motives. And as a bonus, I wanna know his secret of success. Why ask all these questions? To get some answers, to possibly save his reputation, and to change how the world looks at him.