Sunday, January 26, 2014

My Tears Can't Reach Her No Longer

Blog 4.1

I once had a cat, she was my best friend at home. Her name's Potchi. She was gray and brown with black stripes. She had serious Egyptian eyes that had a light shade of brown. She was about a year old but we only shared a few months together. She wasn't the cutest cat, she wasn't the smartest either. I loved Potchi.

One day, I left her outside after our snack, we had Pringles, delicious cheese-flavored Pringles. I was in my room with my eyes glued to my laptop's screen. The others outside were setting-up tables for the town fiesta. I heard my cat meowing outside, but I was busy. The meows turned to gargles, I thought  she was playing outside, maybe she was chasing a mouse, there was a lot of noise outside, but I was still too glued to the internet. The noise and gargles subsided.

My mom entered my room with a sorry smile on her face. She told me "condolence," she mentioned something about my cat and left my room. I am familiar with the word condolence, but I don't know what it means. I looked it up on Google and I was devastated. I ran outside and asked the people what happened. My heart broke into dust the instant I heard that my cat was strangled... she was hanged. Staying strong, I held my tears back and forced myself to make a grin. The pain in my chest was unbearable once I saw her body. Still, I stayed strong, I don't want anyone to see me cry. I was digging a grave for my friend but at the middle of making a hole, I wasn't able to suppress it anymore. Tears ran down my face. I cried while plowing the metal stick into the ground. She wasn't just a cat, she was my best friend, she was very special. And I can't see her anymore. I can't pet her, I can't feed her, I can't do anything. Seriously, why is the world so unfair? I wept nonstop. And I don't care if tons of people outside stare at me, I don't care if my hands are bleeding from digging too hard. I'm crying for my friend, I don't have any reason not to cry.

There I was, helpless, as I hugged Potchi's lifeless body. Helpless. I gave my friend a proper burial and prayed hoping that heaven has a nice place for Potchi. I'm gonna miss that cat. I wish she'll still remember me decades from now.

I now have a new cat, her name's Pringles. Now I'll look-over her more than I've ever taken care for Potchi. I don't want to lose anyone ever again.

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