Saturday, November 30, 2013

Cavsci's Inferno

Hell on earth exists and there's one existing way to enter: Break the rules!

Every rule-breaker each have their respective stations in school. And every station has its punisher for the one who broke a rule.

Station 1: The Gate Crashers
It is prohibited to enter the school without an ID or to enter past 6:30 or 6:45 AM.Those who are caught without their school ID or those who enter late will stay outside and will be forced to do numerous squats and will be asked to write a letter explaining why they are late. They are released afterwards.

Station 2: The Irresponsible
Those who didn't do their assignments are given marks of zero and are consulted be their respective teacher.

Station 3: The Noise-Makers
Those who create noise or uproars are scolded by the respective teacher and are asked to leave the classroom.

Station 4: The Disruptors
Those who bring along items that can be a bother to class hours (e.g. cellphones, toys) shall be consulted by their teachers and will have their gadgets/toys confiscated.

Station 5: The Wrathful
Those who start fights or brawls inside school campus will immediately be sent to the guidance center, where they will be consulted by the guidance counselor and will be given punishments ranging from suspension to expulsion.

Station 6: Dress-Code Breakers
Those who are caught wearing clothes which is not part of the school uniform will be approached by the head of CAT and will face the annoying horror.

Station 7: Class Cutters
Students caught cutting class will be reported to their advisers and will be scolded. Grades will have some deductions.

Station 8: Cheaters
Students caught cheating will be reported to the faculty and will face the year advisers and faculty members. Punishments like suspension will be given.

Station 9: Failures
Hopeless students with seemingly hopeless grades will be sent to the office or faculty and will be asked by the teachers, office members and the principal to leave the school.

Thursday, November 28, 2013

Digital Messages: Ruining the English Language

With today's way of sending messages digitally, our way of spelling English words are changed. Shortcuts for words have been invented for an easier way of texting. This has proven that people of this generation can either be called lazy or intelligent for such invention.
Now the question is raised. Can texting ruin our English?
For me, it's a big NO. Yes, it can temporarily change words' spellings but never permanently. We are aware that the spellings' are changed. We know what what's wrong and what's right. If anything, texting will introduce us to new words, thus, widening our vocabulary.

Friday, November 8, 2013

Semestral Break in my Heart

(Hakuna Matata)
♫Semestral break! What a wonderful phrase
Semestral break! Ain't no passing craze
It means no worries for the rest of y- Let me stop here.

The semestral break is intended to give students a chance to relax at home for a whole week. It takes away all our strenuous schoolwork. Now that I'm done with the advantages, let's move on the bad stuff that I had. Ranking third on the list is: It was boring, I didn't have anything to do. Ranking second is: I missed my friends... a lot. I missed running around in the room, causing noise disturbances. I missed seeing her. I missed the cabinet that I've turned into a punching bag/scratching post. I missed everything. And ranking above all is: Doing chores. Yes, there's no more school work but this gave parents the opportunity to make us do chores. Every single day, the same chores. In particular, swiping the floor; this really makes me want to violently pluck out every single strand of broom hair. Our house is THIS big. The dishes too. I hate having my hands dirtied by oily stuff. After all that, I can say that my semestral break is... still worth while =) If you can feel the happiness that I've felt, you'd be dead be now because of heart failure. Who wouldn't be happy to talk with my love for every single day of the whole freakin' week? Even if it was only an online chat, I was still incredibly happy. Every night, she leaves me... smiling. I was hugging my laptop almost everyday. Even if the laptop did gave off a really strong electrical shock, it's still worth hugging. She gave my big break, making me feel awesome even after every strenuous working-day. If not the happiest man on earth, I'd be the happiest student on the campus.

When I sum up and get the average of my reactions for the sembreak, it was still pretty good. All thanks to her.

Friday, October 25, 2013

Inexplicable, Undefinable, Indescribable

I have been in love a number of times before, many horrible times. Yet I never really stopped even though I get really hurt after every single shot I made. Every time I fall and break into millions of tiny fragments, I get back up as fast as I can, stronger. I don't know why I keep falling but I can't blame myself, no one's to blame when one falls in love, it's unavoidable. Sometimes, I think to myself, maybe God made me meet so many wrong people so that when I find the right one, I'll be thankful; and so I was. When in love, I always feel pumped up, more alive than ever, my actions are exaggerated, and my whole world lightens up. Music fills up the background and it feels like I can do anything. Happiness will be in the air every morning when I wake up for school, for I know that she'll be there. I became much more careful on my actions for one wrong move can make her upset. Also, I've never been so careful about my life and on my body's condition so I can be there for her whenever she needs something. Never have I been more enthusiastic on my academics because I'm doing it all for her, for our future. Despite how long we've been interacting, it has always been awkward for us two, it takes all my courage to greet her and I'm so grateful for who I became when she came to my life.

How do you define love? It's not that easy to define love once you are in love. But the first thing that came to my mind is that love is about giving everything for the one you love. It's about doing everything you can and becoming a better person for her sake. It's about throwing away your pride for her, respecting her, sacrificing even the most valuable of things because she is a person worth fighting and dying for. And when she appreciates your efforts, you'll become the happiest man in the world. When she gives back even the smallest of love, you'll be out of words to even express how happy you are.

Why do I love? The only reason I can give is that I want to share my life with someone. The truth is, I never had a reason for living until she came to my life. Now, I'm living for her, to protect and nurture the life I love.

What do I look for her? I look for the spark. The spark is what I named for the feeling I have when I'm with someone. I named it "spark" because it's the closest image that can describe that feeling. I feel most joyful when she's near. I love her regardless of her looks; I love her for who she is, no matter how many changes time can bring to her, I will and always love her. One straight thing that I want from her is her appreciation, that's all I know.

Saturday, October 5, 2013


A teacher's works looks easy enough. You'll just talk in front of the class for the whole day, do some little paperwork, attend meetings, and do some research. Also, a teacher only teaches one or two subjects, wherein the students have to master a whopping number of ten subjects. In hindsight, the students have and always had the harder job. Or do they?

The life of a teacher is tough, it's no secret. I know this well enough through experience; through reporting in front of the class. If it already takes our best to simply get the class' attention, I can't imagine the kind of effort teachers put into their job. Enduring the students' ignorance takes strength. They will not cooperate unless they want to. And making them want to cooperate is the hard part, I never learned how to do it. In addition to all of these, teachers are full-time workers with a part-time job. They even set aside their family so they can have time for us yet we fail to appreciate or even see all their hard work. A teacher's life is underrated and it may even be the job that takes the most heart to do.

To all the teachers reading this, we want you to know that you are appreciated. Thank you for putting so much effort for our sake. You really are a hero.

Happy teacher's day.

Saturday, September 28, 2013

What Hatred has Halved

In the great City of Athens, a man named Romeo is madly in love with Rosaline. But it seems that they are never meant to be together. Romeo's father, Oberon, sees him spending time alone in the woods. Oberon orders his servant, Puck, to give Romeo the magic potion made from a flower in the forest. Romeo fell asleep and Puck poured the magic potion to his eyelids. Oberon, wanting new love for Romeo, carries him to the ball aboard the ship. Romeo awakens and sees the lovely maiden, Juliet. Romeo fell in love faster than a lightning bolt. The two became really close to each other. 

While the people in the ball are enjoying their time, Oberon was found dead. The news spread quickly. Oberon was killed with a knife. The knife was given to Oberon's son. A wild tempest appeared out of nowhere. Everyone in the ball panicked. A thunderbolt struck the ship and the ship breaks in half. The passengers fell. When they regained consciousness, they discovered they were drifted to the shores of Athens. Romeo saw Oberon happy with his wife, Titania. Romeo got very confused because he saw with his own eyes the cold dead body of his father. He overhears the conversation of Oberon's men. They described Juliet as a whore. Angry, Romeo tells everyone about what he heard. Juliet was heartbroken. While walking, he encountered three witches who introduced themselves as Oberon's servants. They told Romeo the real story behind Oberon's death. Oberon has a twin brother. They were separated by a storm when they were still young. Oberon hated his twin brother because he thought he never searched for him. Oberon was killed by his twin brother, who happens to be king Hamlet's assassin, and his men. He was killed so he won't be able to stop the tempest. They also revealed the truth about Juliet. What Romeo heard was a lie. Romeo felt sorry for he truly loved Juliet. Guilty, Romeo apologizes to the Capulets. They told Romeo that Juliet died from a heart attack. The Capulets ordered Romeo to marry Juliet's cousin. Romeo accepted it in guilt.On the day of the wedding, Oberon's men kidnapped Romeo. Seeing Oberon, He went berserk and broke free. He grabbed a guard's sword and raised it against Oberon. Romeo shouts "Impostor". Oberon draws his sword and they fought all out. It came to the point when Romeo was on his knees. Oberon throws Romeo's sword away. When Oberon was about to cut Romeo's head off Romeo grabbed the knife, the knife from his father's body, in his pocket and stabbed Oberon on the heart

Oberon's last words revealed that Titania was behind his father's death. After the dreadful incident the wedding resumed. Juliet's cousin revealed herself as Juliet. Titania lost her crown and was never to be seen again. Romeo and Juliet became the king and queen. They lived happily ever after.

Thursday, September 26, 2013


"Fair is foul, and foul is fair" one of the most famous lines in Macbeth.

My mission here is to interpret what the quote means to me.

I believe that this is a specified version of "don't judge a book by it's cover" but now, more inclined to society. I'll use the famous dictator, Marcos, and the activist for freedom, Cory Aquino, for examples. Back then, our country was feared by other nations, back when Marcos ruled it. Marcos looked like a bad man, but was he really that bad? Look at our country back then, all progressive, everything is in order. To sum it all up, Marcos was a good man; if not to his people, to his country.Cory however, freed our people which lead to our economy's downfall. Still, Cory was a good man to our people, but not to the country's economy. See my point? People only see the bad in what is invisibly good and they fail to see the bad in something that looks good. Well this is my opinion though.

Sunday, September 22, 2013

Point Break

I believe that the climax of "A Midsummer Night's Dream" is right after the biggest mistake in the piece: after Puck magically made Lysander fall in love with Helena. Oberon had it all according to plan and everything was going well until the incident. This caused the fight between the two men and women. The fight lasted until Oberon noticed and decided to put an end to it.

Monday, September 9, 2013

The Easiest Way to Forgive is to Forget?

First of all, no.

Second, let's define forgive. Forgive, according to Webster, is "to cease to feel resentment against"; it means accepting one's fault and continuing to move forward with their relationships thoroughly mended.

You can forgive your friend for his doings and proceed to forget what he/she has ever done to you. On the flip side, you can never consider directly forgetting your friend's fault as a forgiveness; once you remember the incident, it will be a choice if you will argue with or forgive him . When you choose to accept his fault and not let it to ruin your friendship, only then will it be considered as forgiveness.

Among all the three choices of reacting to an incident, - take revenge, ignore, and forgive - forgiveness requires the most strength to accomplish as it takes the most heart to do. But once you have done that , you can continue to live peacefully without any regrets nor hatred on this world of ours.

"The weak takes vengeance, the intelligent ignores, and the strong forgives."

Sunday, September 1, 2013


(Smart or Sporty: Compare, Contrast, Choose)

Brain and muscle are two of the things on top of mankind's dream-list. Here we'll list down the flaws and advantages of being "sporty but not smart" and being "smart but not sporty" and then proceed with the comparison between the two. In the end of the essay, I'll mention what characteristic I want to have.

Academic and physical skills are both extremely important when it comes to living, you'll need it. Both have different levels of importance depending on the road you take. Have little of any of the two, people will begin to treat you like dirt, a nobody. Have excessive amounts of it though, they'll treat you like a god. You will have more admirers, you'll earn more respect, more power. On the downside, they're like addictive drugs. When you experience being praised because of your power or when you experience the power itself, you'll absolutely drool for more. I call this effect "power-lust", it's really helpful in reaching your goals yet it puts too much strain on the physical body.

Acing academics is really helpful in school, but the knowing the you're physically weak will piss you off. You can't clearly see the benefits of being good at sports at first, until you get really good at one. Being good at any can help you get scholarships in top-ranked colleges and invitations to world-class sports teams. Whatever's your choice, you'll still end up earning money. Smart people will have the upper hand on their job, it's more stable, you'll only need your brain and mouth. Sport-inclined jobs can be really unstable, accidents can happen, you'll be useless when you get injured (unless science will find a way for instant body recuperation). On usefulness, the smart stomps on the sporty in general. Intelligence can solve crises nationwide, create weaponry, medicine, and save billions of lives. You'll never see physical power saving billions of lives, unless you're an overpowered Dragon Ball Z character who'll save not only the earth but also entire universes from evil, which is very unlikely to happen. Also, sporty people will always have the upper hand when it comes to sexual appeal.

Now if I were given a chance to be reborn to choose to either be inclined at academics but not at sports or vice-versa, I'd choose the latter without any second thoughts. Personally, I've been wanting to be a Super Saiyan my entire life, or at least something close to one. I've dreamed to be that shining guy who slow-walk's out of the mist stunning the crowd with his overall awesomeness. All my life I wanted to have such power. Excelling at academics is also a great offer but I'd trade school for a martial arts teacher any day.

Saturday, August 31, 2013

All the Little People

Oh great Creator, master of space and time
The only being capable of such power
Thy Lord, I call upon You with this simple rhyme
Ruler of worlds, hear me, our almighty Master

We humans are weak, and we humans are sorry
For what we've brought unto this world You've given us
We humans now understand, we humans now see
So we beg you forgiveness, please stop this chaos

We've endured much pain, we already know our place
Give our people willpower and strength to survive
I no more want to see frowns on anyone's face
Give the worthy men what they need to stay alive

And for the ones who left us, bring peace to their souls
Allow them to enter heaven, Your sanctuary
The ones who lost many, let their tears no more fall
The ones unaffected, keep them safe and merry

I also thank You for the luck you've given me
For having my family safe, no damage dealt
For leaving me unharmed, for keeping me wary
That is all, keep us safe, let the sky no more pelt

Thursday, August 15, 2013



(Unnecessary  sentences were cut off and/or replaced)

October 1996
To Marije,

I am not surprised why Dennis left you. What reason can you think of other than your fat body. First I thought that Dennis was only toying with me, later, I realized that he really can't bear being with you. Dennis said he could not stand your habit of meddling with all his trips and phoning them, asking nonstop.

He said that you are a shame to him, either when he's at school or when he's with his family. Dennis is also asking you to cut off that thick fat of yours. Yet you think you're the prettiest girl he knows. Who do you think you are, Jose Marie Chan's "Beautiful Girl"?
Even though you "think" you're beautiful, you have no right to call me names, whether or not Dennis' back is turned. But if you do call me by such names, I'll have no other choice but to return the favor. For example, a FAT, OVERWEIGHT, OBESE, AND POORLY-SHAPED PIG. It's a shame that your body's too BULGY.

You can't blame Dennis for choosing me over you, I have the sexier body compared to you. I repeat, you look just like a gender swapped Lozada.

The sexiest Girl of D.M.

You say that I have bad breath, but who did Dennis want to kiss again? Me. There you go.

Words cannot describe how poor the English was, it was literally 'painful' to read the original text. I don't even know how I should react to it, should I laugh or cry at the idiocy? I'm not sure if it was just a prank to mess up with the reader's mind, or ignorance in it's purest form. It was mostly annoying, knowing that even people in the past had the arrogance to make such a mess really pisses me off. Normally, I'd quit on reading things like these from the start and leave a funny comment, but I needed to read it until the end, for heaven's sake, it's like arguing with retards on the internet, they'll keep on replying with nonsense, proving themselves correct even though they're clearly and evidently wrong.

Anyways, awesome challenge. It made us feel superior when it comes to conversing in English at the same time, testing our English skills.

Sunday, August 4, 2013


After years of schooling, we now have a teacher who uses the internet for project storage. A pretty convenient strategy indeed and may as well be the best around. "Why?", you ask, well I'll give you a question first, where can you see most of the kids today being all social and active? The internet. So why not use it for things other than games and social media, like schoolwork.

First of all, I support this strategy mainly because it's a legitimate answer to the "I'm too bored to do my assignment" problem, we are always online, we have no reason not to do it. Second, the internet is the perfect viewing/storage room, unlike when it's on paper, it won't end up being part of massive trash pile, you won't lose it anytime soon. Third, I love how the internet has improved people's grammar far more than any English teacher has. If you write "your" instead of "you're" in English class, all you get is a red mark. Mess up on the internet and may God have mercy on your soul. Lastly, seeing your page's views skyrocket helps you develop a good self-esteem, seeing that you have followers is even better.

See how much advantage we can get from using the internet? It may have some downsides but it's definitely better in comparison to the old traditional style. I hope this is enough to keep this style of doing our informal theme.

Sunday, July 28, 2013

At his Weakest

Recently scientists have found out that mental and psychological wounds can cause the most drastic changes in an individual's personality. Khyleri Gancayco is a living proof of this statement. Throughout his life, Khyle has experienced series of  painful events enough to bring a regular person to insanity. Khyle isn't just an average human, at least, not anymore. He was once a being with a heart of ice who has lived alone together with his bad intentions. Khyle has one weakness despite his trained mind, a thing called "love"

Khyle once pictured love as simple as lust for the opposite sex's body, that is why he always failed. All changed when this one girl taught Khyle the true meaning of love, though he cannot explain it, he can feel it. Even so, Khyle had a hard time on this one, the girl didn't share the same emotions, as she loves someone else.

Khyle grew obsessed over her, he tried everything in his power to win the girls heart, every trick in his sleeve, every cheesy punchlines he knows. But in the end, he lost to another man even though he really thought he can win this time. "It hurts!", Khyle said to himself, slowly breaking, asking why.

Khyle spent months crying over this girl, thinking, believing that things will still work out for him. He ended up re-watching his childhood favorites on television out of his life's dullness. Strangely, it made him do what everyone failed to make him do, smile. Even though it was a full-action series, he found joy in it.  At his most fragile state, his personality changed, it transformed into something similar to the fictional characters', he has now found purpose, Khyle became a new man.

From hating this world, he became eternally grateful for everything that life has given him, no matter how good or bad it was As a reminder for everyone else in deep melancholy, straiten yourself before things get worse. Live for a purpose.

Sunday, July 14, 2013

Kill It Before It Lays Eggs!

"To be, or not to be? That is the question." ~Hamlet (Hamlet by Shakespeare)

To do it or not, that's what the quote means. But how can I relate it to my life? More specifically, my school life. Two words, combined, one is so serene, the other brings pain, it's called "homework", mankind's most evil creation. Not only do we suffer from school activities, but schoolwork clings on us all the way home like leeches. Instead of having a nice relaxing nap after school, you get a blackmail that says "me or die?", isn't that annoying? It turns our bed of roses into a bed of nails, cool breezes into scorching heat waves, our heavenly sanctuaries into hell wherein you're chained to an electric-lava-spewing tree of thorns, and the worst part is, "not doing anything" is not an option, you either live long enough to strive, or die and wake up in the same hell hole, only deeper and darker. "To be, or not to be" just got involved. High school is hard, real hard, incredibly hard, you just gotta bear with it, no matter how much pain you endure. You want to have a life without homework? Finish it, eradicate all the tasks given to you, turn them into ashes, clobber them with all your remaining knowledge, slice them down into non-existence, revenge is sweet, sugar sweet. Do it for yourself, you're the one who's going to gain from this, and to make it sound more motivational, don't you like to smudge the finished trash(homework) into your rival/superior's faces? Just do your assignment, unless you wan't to have an even crappier future.
~End of Essay~

I actually like doing blogs like these, I love expressing myself (on the internet)

Sunday, July 7, 2013

Not Just a Recap

English III,
Just another subject.
Another challenge for me,
Another enhancement to my intellect.

To improve our language,
It aims to do.
To expose us on stage,
Like song birds in the zoo.

Our topics ascend
To infinitives and beyond,
To the play they all recommend
About a maiden and a handsome blonde.

It was simple, yet tiring
Still, I learned something new,
All the vocabulary and rhyming,
Each word that expresses a hue.

Why we need this,
I have no clue.
But is it something we should miss?
A question for you.

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Fly Away From Hardships

(Blog #4: Collage)

"ICT Enabling Dreams", that's the theme.

So how is this collage related to the theme? Well by inspecting the group of pictures, you can see the world in darkness, with famine, trash, hardships. So what do we want? A better life! You can see that with the help of technology(rocket) we can be relieved from hardships, ascending into the light where progress and the dream of having a better life will come true.

Sunday, June 23, 2013

Romeo & Juliet: The Path to Light

The following is a non-profit, fan-based, parody, Romeo and Juliet is owned by William Shakespeare.

(This is an alternate version of Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet. To see the original novel, Click here.)

Act 5, Scene 3, Page 14

We settle a dark peace this morning. The sun is too sad to show itself. Let’s go, to talk about these sad things some more. Some will be pardoned, and some will be punished. There was never a story more full of pain than the story of Romeo and Juliet.

Act 6, Scene 1, Page 1

All could have occurred, all would have been lost, if not for our hero’s sudden change of mind, of path.

Act 5, Scene 3, Page 4 plays from the beginning once more.

I refuse your request. I’m arresting you as a criminal.

Are you going to provoke me? (pulls sword out)

A man with hands as dirty as yours shalt not be left unpunished!

Romeo and Paris charge toward each other with swords on their hands.

But there is but a thought that appeared in Romeo’s corrupted mind, Friar Lawrence’s words echoes: I swear by my holy order, I thought you were smarter and more rational than this.

(Romeo zones-out while running towards Paris) No, this man has nothing to do with anything.

(to PARIS) I beg you forgiveness, I have already caused too much pain in this world I myself am sickened by my existence. (drops his sword) Before I die, tell the Capulets and the Montagues that I am truly sorry, this is my last request. (Romeo falls down) I'm sorry, Juliet, I am sorry, my love.

No. No! What have I done? I- I have slain someone. What will be the Prince’s reaction to this? Indeed, I will be punished for committing such crime. But is my act of self-defense enough reason to have the Prince give me mercy? Oh Lord, I have to get out of here before anyone else sees me with this lifeless person.

PARIS runs away from the scene encountering FRIAR LAWRENCE

Act 6, Scene 1, Page 2

FRIAR LAWRENCE enters with a lantern, crowbar, and shovel.

(to Paris) Young man, what where you doing there on Juli-

PARIS kept on running

(approaching the tomb) Romeo! Oh no! What is this blood that stains the stony entrance of this tomb? Why are these bloody swords lying here, abandoned by their masters? Next to this place of peace? (he looks inside the tomb) Romeo! (sees Romeo wounded and unconscious) Praise thy Lord, you’re still have a pulse. The bleeding from your wound must be stopped, immediately! Ah, when did these horrible things happen? The lady’s moving.

JULIET wakes up

Oh friendly friar! Where is my husband? I remember very well where I should be, and here I am. Where is my Romeo?

A noise sounds from outside the tomb.

(holding Romeo In his arms) I hear some noise. Lady, come out of the tomb. Unfortunate events took place while you were away.

(recognizing Romeo from FRIAR’s arms) Romeo? Romeo! (to FRIAR LAWRENCE) Father what happened?!

Relax, my child, Romeo is merely unconscious, he is alive, but is wounded. Come child, there is no time to be wasted, your husband’s wound must be treated before he bleeds out. (Rushes to shelter carrying Romeo)

Juliet follows

Act 6, Scene 1, Page 3

(awakens from slumber) Where- Where am I? I have portrayed heaven as a brighter place, not a room of concrete and wood. (Feels something on his hand) Juliet?! How could this be? So this might be heaven. Thank you thy Lord, thank you. (Caresses Juliet by the head)

A hooded figure enters

(to ROMEO) Ah, so you are awake.


(Removes hood) No, it is but me, Friar Lawrence.

No! How many of you were killed?! First Juliet, then I, not you too!

Calm down, Romeo, you are very well alive. A sword was pierced through your chest when I found you, miraculously it didn’t hit any of your vitals.

But how about Juliet?! It does not make any sense.

I can explain, Juliet’s dea- (Notices that ROMEO is sobbing)

But... she’s still alive, that’s all that matters, I’m already contented.

(smiles) I have a lot of explanation to do, have I? Too start it off, Juliet never really died, she appeared as if she’s lifeless but she’s still alive, still though, at the moment she was dead. (ROMEO got confused) Everything was well planned, everything worked out well before one unexpected turn of events. But if you haven’t dug up Juliet out of her grave, she could have- . The letter never reached you. (Hands down the letter to Romeo)

It’s all clear now. (speaking so that FRIAR LAWRENCE does not hear) If it wasn’t for that man, all should have been lost. I need to repay him.

What was that?

Sorry, it was nothing. Anyways, where did you get the potion?

There are many things you do not know about me.

JULIET wakes up

Romeo, Romeo, Romeo! (Hugs ROMEO) Romeo, I’m sorry. I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have done that knowing that death could’ve been the outcome. I should have just told father the real reason why I can’t marry Paris or- or I should have just postponed the wedding or maybe I could’ve escaped home the night before the wedding. I’m sorry.

Juliet, you don’t have to be sorry for anything. It is I who has to be blamed for the countless horrific events that has occurred, I was just too rash, my emotions, I was too weak to conceal it. If we haven’t met, now you’d be living peacefully with a man who deserves you.

(crying) Romeo, what are you saying?

A weak fool like me doesn’t deserve an angel like you. You deserve a new life, Juliet... with a person who can give you everything I wasn’t able to, with someone who’ll love you more than I do.

(crying) Don’t say that! You’re not worthless! A person who endured all the pain just to be with me deserves true love, a happy end! You gave me more than what you thought, you gave me a life full of adventure, you gave me everything I ever wanted, love. You were willing to die for me, to die with me, don’t you tell me that there’s another man in this world who can love me more than you do now! We can make it through, believe me. We deserve a place where everybody will accept our love. I love you, Romeo, you know more than that!

Juliet... (flashback of all he has been through with Juliet)
Juliet, I agree, go with me to Mantua instead, nobody there can forbid our love.


(thinking to himself) By now, the Capulets might have found out that Juliet body is missing. They may as well be searching for it now.

Someone forcefully opens the church’s door.

Act 6, Scene 1, Page 4


(to the CAPULET GUARDS) There they are! The people who stole the maiden’s body, I saw them in the graveyard last – (Notices JULIET, alive) my lady?

CAPULET GUARDS got confused

(to the other Capulet Guards)Two of you, take Juliet to Sir Capulet bring him the good news, the rest, beat up those men until they give you answers.

(To the Capulet Guard) No, leave them alone, they have nothing to do with this.

But –

That’s an order from your master’s daughter. (To ROMEO) Stay here, I have something to settle with father.

As you wish.


Friar Lawrence! Why did you let them go away with Juliet?!

There you are again with your rash judgements, acting before even analyzing the situation, your attitude sickens me.

You have a plan, am I right?

Yes, go after her.


I said “go after her”.

I heard what you said, I need an explanation.

There is no need.

Awkward silence

If- If you say so.

ROMEO exits

At this rate, Capulet will be glad enough to agree to any of Juliet’s requests. The chance of him accepting Romeo as Juliet’s husband now exists. (holding his rosary) I rest the fate of the two lovers unto you now, please make everything work out.

ROMEO enters

Act 6, Scene 1, Page 5

(while rushing to the Capulet mansion) (To self) Friar Lawrence, it’s very unusual to hear such things coming from you. Could it be? Yes father, I will do everything in my power to succeed. I must be there for Juliet, no matter what the cost. (out loud) Juliet. Juliet. Juliet!

ROMEO exits


Not only that my beloved daughter has passed away, now her body has been stolen. Oh, what ever shall I do? She never even had the chance to marry.

Sir, I have a confession to make. Juliet, Juliet never wanted to marry as she- she was already married to someone else.


Romeo, sir, he -

What was that? I believe I have heard the name of that wretched Montague who has killed Juliet’s dearest cousin. Yes, that’s right, Juliet’s depression over Tybalt may have just been the cause of her death. Why? Why have the Montagues taken all that was mine?

Don’t jump to conclusions, sir. She wasn’t crying over her cousin’s grave. Two nights before the incident, she mentioned she doesn’t want Paris as her husband, there was nothing sadder than her face after you have scolded her.

That’s preposterous! She cheerfully said that she will gladly marry Paris.

I believe sir, that the smile on her face was never true. She was so scared to face the fact that you’d be mad at her forever, she was forced to do your bidding. She didn’t die because of sorrow for Tybalt, she died because of melancholy and pure tension from the life waiting for her if the marriage was ever to continue.

But how could she have been that sad?

Romeo, sir, she loved Romeo, they loved each other.

How could you possibly know about my daughter’s inner feelings?

I was there with her the whole time sir, she opens up to from time to time, and Romeo, we three were close to each other. She was already married to him, I’m sorry the news never reached you. Starting from the night of Tybalt’s death, she cried over Romeo, her heart broke into millions of tiny fragments after having knowledge of Romeo’s banishment. Romeo, and only Romeo was the only cure for her sorrow. I never heard again from the two after you have scolded your daughter.

But how in heaven’s name has my pure lily fall in love with a dirty, evil Montague?!

Someone opens the door

Act 6, Scene 1, Page 7


Now I’m hearing things, seeing them. I never knew that sadness can cause people to hallucinate.


(Rushes to hug CAPULET) Father!

NURSE faints in surprise.

Juliet? But- but how? How is this happening?  Is it you who’s alive or... am I dead now? But- none of that! I don’t care if your dead or alive, I’m with my daughter, I can ask for nothing more. If there is a god, he’s a kind one. Oh Juliet, I beg your forgiveness. Please, never leave my side again.

I should be the one asking for forgiveness, father.

W- Why?

I faked my death just for my own selfish reasons. I’ve caused sorrow to hundreds. I’m sorry, dad.

I have no idea how you did that. Just- Just don’t do that again okay?

A voice from outside is heard

Juliet! Juliet!

What the devil is that noise?


ROMEO enters

CAPULET is surprised

Juliet! (Rushes to Juliet)

(Blocks Romeo) Romeo of the clan Montague, why are you here. Speak!

I am here for your daughter.

The son of Montague, who killed my dearest nephew, is asking for my daughter’s hand? I have never seen a man such as useless as you. Why does Juliet even love you? Tell me, Montague, what can you do for Juliet?

That... um...
What can I do for Juliet...
I can’t tell you that just now.

You’re an indecisive guy! Do you even love Juliet?


I see...
(Grabs Romeo by the neck) So you’re just another indecisive bastard! You do not deserve the hand of a fair maiden like my daughter, you deserve to perish!

(choking) No! Why do you have to do this?

Because I don’t like you!
Yes! Perish, so I can finally become victor of the hundred year war. (Constantly punches Romeo) Die! Now I’ll return every single ounce of pain you brought to this land! What’s the matter? Why won’t you fight back? Where’s your pride, scoundrel?  Turn into ashes, piece of crap!

Father! Stop! (Gets hit by Capulet in effort of stopping him)

ROMEO falls

Act 6, Scene 1, Page 8
Juliet! Why did you get in my way?

Papa, please don’t do that. Please don’t hurt Romeo

You came back from the dead just to ask me this favor? This man is not suited for you.

That is not for father to decide! (crying) Romeo is my most important person. No matter what you say, Romeo will still be my most important person. Romeo is gentle, he can be depended on and he has gone through all this pain. Romeo... Romeo... is the person I love!

(gasping for air) I... I can stop... the war. We two can stop the war.


What was that?

I- we... can stop the war... I can give your daughter... a peaceful world to live in, where she’ll have eternal joy. Won’t you like that?

Yes, you have a point. Continue.

I can convince my family to stop the war... if- if you’ll agree to work with me.

Stop the war? Why?!

Can I ask you why our families are fighting?

I don’t know the answer to that.

Then why do you continue to fight for nothing?

We were taught to hate each other by our elders, our parents and grandparents. We were born rivals, we must fight to our deaths.

It’s not your fight anymore. It was your great-grandparent’s fight, you shouldn’t be part of it, the fight was over after our elders were gone. Now we have the chance to change, for a better future, for a more peaceful one. What do you say?

I believe what you have said is all true. I accept, Romeo.


Romeo smiles

They all exit.

Act 6, Scene 2, Page 1


Lord Montague, Sir Capulet has sent you a letter. (Hands down letter to Montague)

(After reading letter) What does he want now? Begging for me to come to their residence immediately after all those events. (to MONTAGUE GUARDS) Men, assist me to the Capulets.

They all exit


What is it now, Capulet?

Ah, you have received my letter earlier than expected. I have sent you here for a truce.


I call the war off. All thanks to your son, ROMEO.

Romeo? What happened to my son?

He is here.

ROMEO and JULIET enter

Romeo! Oh, I have missed you, my son. The news must be told to your mother. Is what Capulet said true?

Yes, father.

But how? (sees Juliet) Oh, I see. (to CAPULET) The war is over. Who would’ve thought that the hundred year war was stopped by two children. (to ROMEO) I am proud of you, my son.

CAPULET goes outside to proclaim the news

The war is over!

The crowd roars with such joy.

PRINCE ESCALUS enters with his soldiers

What is the meaning of this? Why is there noise?

The war is over!

(to soldiers) Escort me to the Capulet’s house.

PRINCE enters Capulet mansion

(to CAPULET) I heard that the war is over. Capulet, when and how?

Montague’s son, my Lord.

Everyone silences

(to ROMEO) You! I thought I banished you from here. You have killed someone. You have broken the law by coming back to Verdana. You have dishonored your family. And most of all, you have saved Verdana.

The Crowd cheers

(To the Crowd) Peace has once again ruled over Verdana!

The crowd cheers louder.

Black scene

Act 6, Scene 2, Page 1

I hereby proclaim the these two lovers, Romeo and Juliet, be officially married

Romeo and Juliet kiss

The citizens of Verdana cheers

We settle the two family’s eternal peace this morning. The bright sun shines over the kingdom once again. Now we end the story of Romeo and Juliet with the hope that Verdana will never again see the kind of darkness that has brought it to war so many times. But if that day comes, there is one who shall step out of the shadows and fight for the name of love and all things good and true.

The scene ends with pink petals falling from the sky with a golden statue of who seems to resemble Paris.


Saturday, June 15, 2013

Father Appreciation Day

It's Fathers Day again, a day to express your gratitude to your pal, the breadwinner of your family, the protector, the one who made the most sacrifice. We've always celebrated it with much joy... that is, when I was just a mere child, but now, its celebration means almost nothing, just like how I don't care about my birthday or any other holiday, if not for school, I should have never known about this day. But because my blog is equal to my school grades, I have no choice, I have to do this for myself, for my grades, this is a necessity for my survival. My father is supposed to be the topic of this blog, it will be really awkward typing this down and posting it on the internet where everyone can see it.

My dad, he's the one who raised me together with mom, looking back at it all, I've spent tons of memories with him, some of which I never forgot. I consider those memories special as I can still remember it even though I don't have any  recollection of my childhood. As of my current knowledge, dad was awesome, he taught me many things, introduced me to much, from him I learned how to act like a human whom some people can love (until my mind was corrupted by some unknown reasons). I loved him, he gave me a simple life, a happy life. He always cheered me up whenever I'm down, he's my ally whenever I'm in a fight. Of all the members of our family, he was the only one to have gained true respect from me, that is because he was one of the few who showed "proper" leadership, he was a pack leader, not a tyrant. He's away for most of the year though, we don't have much contact as he's a seaman, until there was the internet and Skype, now we have contact everyday. That is all.

Thanks for everything, dad. Happy Father's day.

Saturday, June 8, 2013

Light in the Darkness

A hero is depicted by many as a being who comes to save the day in the nick of time, a knight in shining armor, or a martyr who just sacrificed his life for a cause. Heroes come in many forms, your parents are heroes, your teacher's a hero, your doctor's a hero, even you are a hero (for your classmate whom you lent your homework to), anybody can be a hero, literally anybody. Of all the heroes of our life, there is one who outshines them all. My hero came in a very indirect manner as I am the one responsible for having brought this person to my life. That one move was one of the best decisions I've made in my life... because that person is Son Goku, a character from my favorite television program. This may sound absurd, ridiculous, and ultimately stupid, but for a person who believed that you're all alone in this world for his entire life, this is reasonable.

Back then, I never really cared about anything, I never worried, I went with the flow, I lived according to my emotions, I was a really happy man... was I? No, fear controlled my actions back then, I didn't have any reason to live back then, I only lived to survive. It all changed when this very special woman came to my life, the one who taught me what true love means. I had a dream, to be with her, to become part of her life. That dream gave me a reason to change, change into a person she'll like. I did everything, no, more than everything, I thought I was doing everything right, but all good things come to an end, she turned me down for another, countless horrific events followed, I didn't give up, there were so many complications, but in the end I was crushed, why was life this cruel? After that, I was left with nothing, the world was covered by darkness, colors faded, I had no one, I was lost. I was mentally ill, depressed, I was in my most gullible, fragile state, my guard is down to anything that may come to me. I was surfing the web as always when I came across this picture, I was filled up with nostalgia seeing the people who made my childhood. I ended up re-watching the series again, hoping that it will somehow make my day brighter. With my state of mind, I saw it significantly different from when I was a child, my eyes were hooked-up on the characters' actions and emotions instead of all the explosions and fighting. This is where Goku goes into the picture. He is currently their universe's savior, what made me so interested about him is how he thinks: Faced an evil space tyrant who far outclasses him, "The challenge excites me", Had the opportunity to kill someone who terrorized the planet and killed his friends, "Forgive him, everyone deserves a second chance", Crushed by 100 times gravity, "I can work through this!", Died, "Well, back to training in the Otherworld"... His positive attitude continued in the series, no matter how dark it got, he never failed to see the light. This attitude somehow made an impact to me, with the help of him, I found true happiness. My surroundings changed, colors started to brighten up, bright thoughts shined over the darkness, I began thanking all that life has given. A month later, I found out that the woman's relationship with the other guy was mended, fixed, their commitment intensified, all because of me. If not for me, the two shouldn't have been together as of today, but now, they're happy as can be. Joy and happiness filled my eyes. Back at my life, my dream also (technically) came true, I left a mark on her heart, I've been with her, I became part of her life, not only her life but also the other man's life, I made a heartfelt friendship with that guy, I made a new friend! Happy endings does exist, you only have to see it.

Seasons have passed and I continued living a better life in the model of Goku, my knowledge of life expanded, I no longer lived only to survive, I now live to find my purpose in this world, on a quest to find answers leading to more questions, a life full of adventures. I've learned so much from a person I've never met, a person who never physically existed.

You did more than save my life, you gave me a new one. All I am now, or ever can be, I owe it all to you, Goku.

"I am the hope of the universe. I am the answer to all living things that cry out for peace. I am protector of the innocent. I am the light in the darkness. I am truth." ~Son Goku