Monday, September 9, 2013

The Easiest Way to Forgive is to Forget?

First of all, no.

Second, let's define forgive. Forgive, according to Webster, is "to cease to feel resentment against"; it means accepting one's fault and continuing to move forward with their relationships thoroughly mended.

You can forgive your friend for his doings and proceed to forget what he/she has ever done to you. On the flip side, you can never consider directly forgetting your friend's fault as a forgiveness; once you remember the incident, it will be a choice if you will argue with or forgive him . When you choose to accept his fault and not let it to ruin your friendship, only then will it be considered as forgiveness.

Among all the three choices of reacting to an incident, - take revenge, ignore, and forgive - forgiveness requires the most strength to accomplish as it takes the most heart to do. But once you have done that , you can continue to live peacefully without any regrets nor hatred on this world of ours.

"The weak takes vengeance, the intelligent ignores, and the strong forgives."

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